Rabu, 03 November 2010

[05]. 100 Istilah-istilah yang biasa dalam Jaringan Komputer

1.      Local Area Network (LAN)
2.      Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
3.      Wide-area network (WAN)
4.      Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)
5.      Internet
6.      Topologi
7.      Topologi Bus
8.      Topologi Ring
9.      Topologi Mesh
10.    Topologi Tree
11.    Topologi Star
12.    Topologi Hybrid
13.    Client
14.    Server
15.    Hub
16.    Switch
17.    Kabel STP
18.    Kabel UTP
19.    RJ-45 (Registered Jack-45)
20.    Kabel Serat Optic
21.    Kabel Coaxial
22.    Database server
23.    File Server
24.    Client Server Network
25.    Peer to Peer Network
26.    User Workstation
27.    IP Address
28.    Network ID
29.    Host ID
30.    Protocol
31.    Ethernet
32.    Browser
33.    Krimping
34.    Splitching
35.    Satelit
36.    Noise
37.    NirCable
38.    Wireless
39.    Modem (Modulation Demodulation)
40.    Data Link Control
41.    Flow Control
42.    NIC (Network Interface Card)
43.    LAN Card
44.    Channel
45.    Gateway
46.    ISP (internet Service Provider)
47.    MAC Address
48.    MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output)
49.    Router
50.    Throughput
51.    WI-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
52.    WEP (Wired Equefalent Prifacy)
53.    W_Lan Adapter
54.    WPA (Wireless Protected Access)
55.    Fast Ethernet
56.    GPS (Global Positioning System)
57.    ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
58.    PPP (Point To Point Protocol)
59.    TCP/IP Transmission Control
60.    VPN : VPN (virtual private network)
61.    VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal)
62.    100BaseT
63.    10Base2
64.    10 Base-5
65.    10BaseT
66.    Attenuation
67.    Repeater
68.    Wiring  Concentrator
69.    Bridge
70.    Routing
71.    Stop and Wait Protocol
72.    Kriptografi
73.    Enkripsi
74.    Dekripsi
75.    Non Return To Zero (NRZ)
76.    Thermal noise
77.    Impulse noise
78.    Intermodulation noise
79.    Cross talk
80.    Narrow band transmission
81.    Sinyal Digital
82.    Sinyal Analog
83.    IMAP
84.    MDA (Mail Delivert Agent)
85.    MTA
86.    MUA (Mail User Agent)
87.    POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3)
88.    Simple Message Transfer Protocol)
89.    IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
90.    NAT (Network Address Translation)
91.    AEC (Aplication Email Client)
92.    MAILIS (Mail Link List)
93.    SONET (Synchronous Optical Network)
94.    Multiplexing
95.    Spam
96.    Hill Chiper
97.    Fiber Distribution Data Interface (FDDI)
98.    Modulation Rate
99.    Bandwith
100.  Broadband

Cari Minimal 100 Istilah-istilah yang biasa digunakan dalam jaringan komputer!

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